Digi-VAV Optimizer
Variable air volume (VAV) air handling units (AHU) are the primary AHU for office building air conditioning. However, the following problems are not uncommon:
- Excess airflow results in the excessive consumption of heating /cooling energy consumption
- Fixed outdoor air intake ratio at AHU level
- Fixed minimum air flow rates at the terminal box level
- Cannot guarantee fresh air requirement levels are achieved
- Poor building pressure control
- Compressor hunting for DX units
- High installation and ongoing maintenance costs due to the need for individual CO2 sensors
Digi-VAV® Solutions:
- The indoor air quality requirements are satisfied by resetting the minimum airflow for each zone based on the zone occupancy schedules and supply air quality
- The outdoor air intake ratio is reset based upon the building occupancy conditions
- The static pressure is reset based upon the fan airflow
- The floating compressor staging is used to prevent compressor hunting
- The building pressure is maintained properly using volumetric tracking return fan
- Decreases heat/reheat energy consumption by about 30 – 80%
- Lowers cooling energy consumption by about 10 – 25%
- Reduces fan power consumption by about 30 – 50%
- Ensures adequate indoor air quality, zone thermal control, and building pressures
- Complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.1 & CA Title 24 air quality requirements
- Eliminates the need for individual CO2 room sensors
- Virtual fan airflow stations: Measures the true supply and return airflows.
- CO2 Sensor: Measures the supply air CO2 concentration level.
- Reset the Terminal Box Min Airflow: Resets the minimum airflow at each terminal box based on the supply air CO2 concentration.
- Optimizes the AHU outside air intake: Integrated enthalpy economizer and CO2 based demand ventilation control.
- Minimize Supply Air Fan Power: Reset the supply air static pressure setpoint based on fan efficiency and airflow.
- Minimize Return Air Fan Power: Control fan speed based on volumetric tracking.
- Reset the terminal box minimum airflow based on the supply air CO₂ concentration. This ensures the fresh air requirements are met under design occupancy conditions at all times while significantly reducing the minimum airflow.
- Use fan airflow technology to measure both supply and return fan airflow.
- Reset the supply air static pressure based on airflow to minimize duct resistance and reduce fan power consumption.
- Control return airflow by tracking the supply airflow to maintain proper building pressure
- How does the Digi-VAV®save energy?
The Digi-VAV® dynamically resets the minimum airflow of each terminal box based on the supply air quality and the occupancy status. This allows for a lower and more accurate minimum airflow set-point, thus reducing unnecessary heating and cooling at the terminal box
The Digi-VAV® dynamically resets the supply static pressure based on the measured building load. It also lowers the set-point to allow the fan to run at lower speeds
- Does the Digi-VAV®control the staging of the compressors?
- Does the Digi-VAV®controller replace the existing AHU controller or terminal box controller?
No, the controllers remain
- Does the Digi-VAV®communicate with the AHU controller or terminal box controller?
No, the Digi-VAV® communicates with the BAS controller thus providing the revised set-point for the supply static pressure, return air fan speed, minimum OA damper, and terminal box minimum airflow
- Do the existing supply fan VFDs need to be replaced?
No, they do not need to be replaced
- Where is the Digi-VAV®mounted?
The Digi-VAV® is mounted inside the mechanical room next to the AHU
- How long does it typically take to install a Digi-VAV®unit?
It takes approximately 3 hours to mount a Digi-VAV® and 30 minutes to program each terminal box